Jacques Rocque was a three piece mathy screamo/emo band from Rochester, MI. They released two eps between 2011 and their breakup in 2013. FFO: iwishididntexistrightnow, Knowing We'll Never Grow Up, Midwest Pen Pals
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Jacques Rocque was a three piece mathy screamo/emo band from Rochester, MI. They released two eps between 2011 and their breakup in 2013. FFO: iwishididntexistrightnow, Knowing We'll Never Grow Up, Midwest Pen Pals
Download: mediafire
Stunning five song screamo record by lyndixon released in 2006.
Special thanks to Erik and Sascha for making it happen - and sharing it.
Info from Erik - (Skramzjams - https://www.instagram.com/skramzjams/)
"Great DIY-gem with some emo-hardcore skramzy stuff!
A CDr with five tracks on it. The cd (mine marked 32?) comes in a small brown paper bag acting as sleeve/cover.
Small strip of tape with bands name on the front. Not sure if this is a demo or s-t or something else.. but think s-t works..
Two inserts: Number one with short information about the band, tracklist and some shoutouts.
Second one is called "lyndixon's songbook" and seems to contain some (?) of the lyrics.
Not sure if there's been a misprint and/or if it's intended/missing a page. "of a fire on the moon" on two pages for example.
... Keep it DIY!
Download: MEGA
P A I R S #1 was an awesome screamo compilation with each two songs from bands like - Forte, Merkuri, Josephine, Kias Fansuri, Dramacoma, Pintu Rintangan Api and The Diary For Memories.
Download: mediafire